Raf Simons to make American fashion great again – Metro US

Raf Simons to make American fashion great again

For his hotly-anticipated debut for Calvin Klein, Raf Simons put his spin on Americana. With a diverse lineup of models (we are, after all, a melting pot) he tipped his hat to the wild west (cowboy shirts and metal-tipped boots); Wall Street (slick suiting and exquisitely tailored coats); sports (varsity sleeves on eyebrow-raising sheer tops and blazers) and quilts (heritage prints lined some extremely cool parkas). Then came the wild card: party dresses and elegant outerwear covered in clear vinyl, that were both strange and amazing. The designer summed it up in a statement: “It is the coming together of different characters and different individuals, just like America itself.”

RELATED: See all the stars at Raf Simons’ Calvin Klein debut