Craigslist and Ebay are the obvious places to pawn off gifts you got during the holidays but really didn’t want. But then you run the risk of getting caught, offending the well-intentioned gift-giver. Here, we highlight three other places to cash in on unwanted gifts. Related: Holiday gift guide: #StyleGuideStrong Related: New website puts fresh spin on holiday shopping Follow Emily on Twitter: @EmLaurence
Gift cards are great — unless it’s to a store you don’t like. This site lets you trade with other people who have a gift card to a place you actually like. And if you want cash instead, there are over 1,000 retailers partnered with the site that will let you trade in your gift card for exactly that, although they will take a cut.
Books are popular gifts, but if you receive something that is just going to sit on your nightstand unread, you might as well trade it in. (Just make sure to look up what the book is about in case the gift-giver asks!) On, you can get something you actually want to read for free, simply by giving up your unwanted book.
If you have kids, you’ve probably experienced the common conundrum of your child getting the same toy from different family members or friends. You mention your kid loves “Despicable Me,” and suddenly you have four talking minon toys. The goods news is, there is a child out there who doesn’t have many toys at all who would be overjoyed at having your leftovers. And donating to a child in need is the best way to not have regifting guilt. It’s a win-win!