BMW is a real-life transformer – Metro US

BMW is a real-life transformer

Engineers created a convertible car — with a difference. A Turkish company called Letrons has designed a red BMW, called Antimon, that transforms into a giant robot with blade-like arms, powerful legs and a face that’ll have Optimus Prime quivering. Yes, it’s a real-life Transformer. Although the two meter tall machine, which is operated via a remote control, isn’t yet drivable, the 12-strong team could make this possible by adding an electric engine. And if the right investor is found, the Antimon could march into battle. Metro chats to the Letrons team about transforming a Beamer into a robot.

What led you to develop a real transformer?

The idea came about during a partnership meeting when we were discussing and brainstorming about a unique and futuristic project. We planned to show our research and development power to the world.

Can you explain how this car transforms into a robot?

The robot is made mobile through an electric engine, while hydraulic cylinders and linear actuators do all the transformation. The mechanical construction was built in our Ankara head office and the software was developed in our Technopark office.

Can it walk and drive?

Letrons, which are operated via a remote control, are not yet drivable in traffic. But in the future they will drive like a normal vehicle, using an electric engine. The walking functionality can be added if reasonable funding is provided for a new research and development project.

Can I buy one?

Of course you can buy one but you should share your project details with us. Buyers need to give their reasons as to why they want one.

What is the future for Letrons?

Letrons could be a part of research and development, or it could become famous, as a kind of film star, in its own right.

-Daniel Casillas