Hey, it’s always nice to have a great stretch of weather,especially in the Northeast, because the winter has a tendency to add stress to our already stressed out lives.
Who doesn’t crave a great day at the beach, a beautiful hike in the mountains, fishing in your local lakeor in the vast open waters of the Atlantic, a barbecue, a cold brew on a hot day, without the weather screwing itup? It’s much easier to stroll around without the cumbersome umbrella or getting splashed bya passing car or bus.I still want to chase the bus or car and say, What the hell?
Nothing is worse than getting all the kids together, loading up the beach gear, – chairs, blankets, towels, food, and grandma –unload everything and then 10 minutes later a line of storms sends everyone scrambling for cover and cursing out the weatherman. Ah yes,the joys of summer. Right now I’m bored,weatherwise,and that should make you happy, because I don’t see any extremes in weather this week. The tropics are a bit active, with possible storm development in the Yucatan Peninsula and into the southwest Gulf of Mexico, but it wouldmost likely move into Mexico. The Northeast will be warm for the early part of this week, followed by a cooler and dry air mass for the second half of this week. Temperatures could kiss the 90 degree mark for Philadelphia and New York City onMonday and Tuesday. Boston will remainbelow the 90 degree mark. The best chance of showers and scattered storms this week for all three of the Metro cities will belate Monday night or Tuesday morning. If you planned your vacation for this week, you picked a good one. By the way I hope all the dad’s had a super Father’s Day.
Monday: Sun 84
Tuesday: AM ️Storm 88
Wednesday: Sun 83
Thursday: Scattered t-️Storm 75
Friday: Nice 75
Beautiful, 80 both days
New York
Today: Ton of Sun 84
Tuesday: AM storm, then sun, hot 90
Wednesday: Sun, warm 85
Thursday: Sun and clouds cooler 78
Friday: Sun 82
Saturday: Sun 84
Sunday: Sun and clouds 85
Monday : Hot 92
Tuesday: Hot 92 isolated ️storm
Wednesday : Sun cooler 86
Thursday: T-️Storm 86
Friday: Sun 84
Nice & warm
Saurdayt: 87
Sunday :87