People magazine reported late Friday night that they received confirmation from an unnamed source that Bruce Jenner is transitioning. People magazine wrote:
“His changing look has been a much-buzzed-about topic for months, and now People has confirmed that Bruce Jenner has been quietly making a very personal change. The former Olympian will soon be living life as female.” RELATED:PHOTOS: 12 famous transgender celebrities and public figures The unnamed source told the magazine, “He is finally happy and his family is accepting of what he’s doing. He’s in such a great space. That’s why it’s the perfect time to do something like this.” Jenner has in the past year received a lot of attention for their change in appearance. When asked to comment, Kim Kardashian told ET, “I think everyone goes through things in life, and I think that story and what Bruce is going through, I think he’ll share whenever the time is right.” RELATED:PHOTOS:BruceJenner’s face through the years All of this should be taken with a grain of salt, as Jenner has yet to publicly announce they are in fact transitioning.
Read People magazine’s article on Bruce Jenner transitioning. Due to the sensitive nature of gender identity, and because we cannot confirm what pronoun Bruce Jenner would prefer, Metro has chosen to use the pronoun “they” in this article to refer to Jenner.