Chick-fil-A sponsors LGBTQ film festival – Metro US

Chick-fil-A sponsors LGBTQ film festival

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Three years after Chick-fil-A chief operating offier Dan T. Cathy took a public stance against gay marriage, the popular fast food franchise is changing its tune. Chick-fil-A recently sponsored Level Ground, a film festival aimed at opening up discussions about faith and the LGBTQ community.

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While many see this as a step forward, many Chick-fil-A supporters see the sponsorship as anti-Christian and over 700 people have signed a petition against the act on Change.org. Part of the petition reads: “In light of these findings, we ask that Chick-fil-A issues an official response regarding this sponsorship, along with any statement your team feels is necessary to clarify Chick-fil-A’s corporate stance regarding previously stated Christian values on marriage and stewardship.”

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Chick-fil-A has not yet released an official statement about the film festival sponsorship.

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