The Walking Dead has been popular since the day it aired on AMC. Fans stick through the series with all of the fighting, blood and death; it seems that no character is safe. Season 9 is no different, the character of Maggie played by Lauren Cohen disappeared in episode 5 and fans were left wondering what the fate is of Cohen’s character. Did Maggie die on the Walking Dead?
Did Maggie die on the Walking Dead?
The episode titled What Comes After aired two weeks ago and was a farewell to Andrew Lincoln’s Rick Grimes and Maggie as well. A few episodes and a huge time jump later, fans got the answers they needed about Maggie’s fate.
Did Maggie die on the Walking Dead? Maggie is, in fact, alive and she has abandoned her home at Hilltop leaving Jesus to lead in her place. After departing from Hilltop Maggie along with Hershel and Georgie start a new community, its not clear where or how this new community will fit in with the future episodes and seasons of the show, but Angela Kang a previous showrunner for The Walking Dead hinted that although Cohen will not be back this season there is still a lot in store for her character.
“This was her last screen appearance for this season but we very much have more stories we want to tell for Maggie,” Kang said. “There’s some stuff that we’re trying to hopefully make work out, so at this point it’s for the lawyers to schedule things, but she’s wonderful and we’re very, very hopeful that we’ll be able to have more story for her soon.”
Over the summer Cohen herself explained why she decided to leave the show “Eight years is a really long time to be in those emotional depths. It’s really fun for me because I never thought about drama as much when I started this career and I always kind of assumed I’d do, like, light fare.”
With the time jump, it would be reasonable to assume that Maggie may appear in some flashbacks or perhaps even in another episode or two in seasons to come. But for now, her story has come to a halt.