Don’t worry, Lorde and Taylor still going strong – Metro US

Don’t worry, Lorde and Taylor still going strong

Don’t worry, Lorde and Taylor still going strong
Getty Images

Reports of Taylor Swift and Lorde deep-sixing their BFF status have been greatly exaggerated, according to no less than Swift herself. When media speculation started swirling that the two were at odds over not being able to agree on a duet to record, Swift took to Twitter to put the naysayers in their place. “Media, when you say, ‘Lorde and Taylor are fighting,’ by fighting to you mean ‘FaceTiming constantly from [the] U.S. to [New Zealand] and LOLing at you?”

So that settles it, I guess. No need to worry, everybody. Also, what’s the female equivalent of a bromance? I feel like we should have a word for that. Any suggestions?

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