Patton Oswalt, an actor and stand up dude who just so happens to do stand up comedy, is clapping back at some Twitter trolls for being all up in his business.
News recently broke that 15 months after the unexpected death of his wife Michelle Eileen Mcnamara, the 48-year-old was newly engaged to another lady with brown hair, Meredith Salenger. Salenger took to Twitter to detail her excitement, and it was all very lovely if you’re into that sort of thing.
“It’s official!” she wrote. “I’m the happiest girl in the universe!” There were emojis and declarations of love involved, it was all quite standard.
It’s official. I’m the luckiest happiest girl in the universe!!!!? I love you @pattonoswalt I love you Alice Oswalt!
— Meredith Salenger (@MeredthSalenger) July 6, 2017
For some reason, though, some people in the Twitter universe decided that it was too early for Oswalt to be getting married again, or even thinking about anything besides his dead wife. Because in the age of social media, minding your own dang business is a lost art.
“Wife dies in her sleep and he’s married a year later? Nope!” said one random, possibly masked Internet person. Another wrote, “Like good for them and all but, personally, I’d like to be mourned for more than a couple months.”
Oswalt responded in turn, calling his trolls “bitter grub worms,” which is a pretty tight insult if you ask me. Then, he posted some “scorching commentary,” — Mercury News’ words, not mine obvs — from a widow slash blogger named Erica Roman who said Oswalt isn’t moving on too soon, but also? It’s nobody’s business.
WOW. Thank you for this, Erica. I’d chosen to ignore the grub worms but your writing is just SO good here. Thank you, seriously…
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) July 8, 2017
The post, titled “A Widow’s Rage Defense of Patton Oswalt’s Engagement,” explains that while Roman doesn’t usually dabble in the high art of celebrity gossip, all this beating up on the dude who voiced the rat from “Ratatouille” just got her blood boiling!
“It made me sick,” she wrote. “I had to stop reading before I gave in to the temptation to rain fire in response to every comment.” Well, she certainly has a way with words.
“Who gave you the position to judge when it’s ‘too soon’ for a person who has suffered the worst to be able to find happiness and companionship again?” she wrote. “It’s been 15 months! How long should a widow sit in isolation before YOU are comfortable enough to release them from their solitary confinement?”
She’s right, of course. But then again, as long as there are internet trolls scheming in the faraway reaches of their mother’s basement, there will be pain, suffering and blood boiling rage.
After all, it’s true what the wise elders say: Some people just have too much damn time on their hands.