Two of the Marvel cinematic universe’s reigning heroes named Chris, “Captain America” star Chris Evans and “Guardians of the Galaxy” star Chris Pratt, have taken their hometown pride and NFL rivalry and turned it into something positive. Boston native and Patriots fan Evans started the taunting off by pointing out that he and Washington state-bred Pratt would have to be enemies for the next two weeks, but the smack talk quickly evolved into a rather noble bet.
@ChrisEvans We both know there’s only one Captain America and his name is Russell Wilson. #SuperBowlBound #LOB #Repeat
— chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) January 19, 2015
@prattprattpratt them’s fightin words. Stakes? #whatisaseahawkanyway #somethingtombradyhunts
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) January 19, 2015
@ChrisEvans OK. Seahawks win you fly yourself to Seattle, visit @seattlechildren hospital as Captain America, waving the 12th man flag.
— chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) January 21, 2015
@prattprattpratt I accept. And when the Patriots humiliate your seachickens, I expect Star-Lord to arrive at @chris_haven in a Brady jersey
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) January 21, 2015
RELATED:DAILY VIDEO Jurassic Parks and Recreation Good on them. Of course, Pratt couldn’t resist getting in one last very topical burn:
@ChrisEvans Humiliate my Seahawks? Maybe talk to Brady about deflating your expectations. BOOM! (legion of) You’re on sucka. ?
— chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) January 21, 2015
By the way, the other popular Marvel Chris, “Thor” star Chris Hemsworth, is Australian and likely has no idea what these two are on about.
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