For the past eight years Glassdoor has ranked companies on their list of “Best Places to Work” based off anonymous surveys from the employees of the companies being ranked.
RELATED:Airbnbclaims almost $2B contribution to NYC economy This year the company that took the number one spot was California-based Airbnb, the home-sharing website that has found itself in numerous battles challenging its legality on both coasts. The top five companies overall?
1) Airbnb
2) Bain & Company
3) Guidewire
4) Hubspot
5) Facebook
Most notably absent is Google, which held the number one spot last year, but failed to make the top 5 this year.
In New York City, Memorial Sloan Kettering took the 20th spot and Turner Construction placed 36th.
For Boston, the aforementioned Bain & Company, Hubspot took second place, and fourth place respectively; and Boston Consulting Group took seventh place.
In Philadelphia, only consulting company Protiviti ranked at spot number 23.
For the entire list of companies check out’s blog.
Matt Lee is a Web producer for Metro New York. He writes about almost everything and anything. Talk to him (or yell at him) on Twitter so he doesn’t feel lonely@mattlee2669.