Bobby Johnson finally got his Super Bowl ring, the former New York Giants star who was once homeless finally reunited with the ring he sold off years ago.
The story of Johnson is perhaps not well known. He is best known as the player who had a big catch on a 4th and 17 in Week 12 of the 1986 season, propelling the Giants to the Super Bowl. But the year after winning that Super Bowl ring, he was out of the league in a downward spiral that led him to eventually being homeless and living in his car. In 1989 Johnson, in need of money, sold his Super Bowl to a pawn shop in Nashville. He had not seen it since.
But on Sunday at the Giants Week 6 game against the Baltimore Ravens, Johnson was at MetLife Stadium along with several team alumni in a luxury suite. Before the game he received a call from Bill Parcells, the Giants head coach of that famed ’86 team. A source close to the situation tells Metro that Parcells told Johnson on the phone that he was working to get that Super Bowl ring back to his former player and would try to get him it soon. Johnson got off the phone and turned around to see a member of the Giants staff. She handed him a box. Inside was Johnson’s old Super Bowl ring.
Upon receiving the ring, Johnson reportedly broke down into tears.
Former Giant Bobby Johnson reunited with 1986 Super Bowl ring

Photo via Jim Ehrlich