G train shutdown: How to get around – Metro US

G train shutdown: How to get around

g train shutdown greenpoint avenue Repair work will shutdown parts of the G train for five weeks beginning Friday. Three stations, including Greenpoint Avenue, will be closed and the G train service between Brooklyn and Queens will be suspended.
Credit: Bess Adler/Metro

G train service between Brooklyn and Queens will be shut down for five weeks starting on Friday, leaving thousands of New Yorkers in the lurch.

As part of ongoing repairs to the Greenpoint Tube after damage from Superstorm Sandy, G train service will be suspended for five weeks between the Court Square station in Long Island City and Nassau Avenue in Brooklyn beginning 10:30 p.m. The shutdown is expected to end 5 a.m. Sept. 2.

Roughly 125,000 riders use the G train every day, according to an MTA spokesman. About 30,000 riders swipe in at three stations that will be closed, including Greenpoint Avenue in Brooklyn and 21st Street and Court Square in Queens.

But don’t worry — there are transportation alternatives for stranded G train riders.

Shuttle buses

During the shutdown, free shuttle buses will link the closed stops, running along two routes from Long Island City’s Court Square station.

The buses will run via Manhattan Ave to Queens from the Nassau Avenue G train station and along McGuinness Boulevard to and from the L train at Lorimer Street/Metropolitan Avenue.

The MTA made a map of the routes:

g train service shutdown shuttle buses Free shuttle buses and subway transfers provide G train riders with alternatives during the shutdown.
Credit: MTA

Other buses

The city’s usual buses also provide alternatives for riders.

The B62 bus runs between Queens Plaza and downtown Brooklyn, through Greenpoint and Williamsburg.The B32 runs from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. between Court Square in Long Island City and Williamsburg Bridge Plaza, with stops along the waterfront.

Subway transfers

The free shuttle buses will have connections at the Lorimer Street/Metropolitan Avenue L train station. The shuttles, stopping near Court Square in Long Island City, can also be used to connect to the nearby 7, E and M lines.

Riders with MetroCards can use a free out-of-system transfer between the Broadway Avenue G train station and Lorimer Street J and M stop.

The MTA also suggested transferring from the G train to the A and C lines at Hoyt-Schermerhorn Streets.

East River Ferry

The East River Ferry’s Greenpoint stop is expected to be back in operation in time for the G train closures, according to city officials.

Since February, local ferry riders have been taking a shuttle bus to the North Williamsburg stop after the dock at India Street was closed because of a ramp collapse.

In addition to Greenpoint, the ferry stops at East 34th Street, Hunters Point South/Long Island City, North 6th Street in North Williamsburg, Schaefer Landing in South Williamsburg, Brooklyn Bridge Park in DUMBO and Pier 11 in Wall Street.

Follow Anna Sanders on Twitter @AnnaESanders