Last weekend, SNL did a skit about the revival of Jon Snow on “Game of Thrones.” The big joke was exactly how slow everything was going. I have to say, this season wasn’t the right time for it, despite the fact that it was funny. Three episodes in and Season 6 is surging forward at a galloping pace. It’s hard to keep up! In a good way, of course. This is the one show I don’t mind having Wikipedia open for, so bring it on. Even better is the fact that, even as a book reader, I have no idea what’s going to happen. OK, maybe I have an idea about the Tower of Joy, but that’s pretty much it. RELATED:Geek Girl in Hollywood: Can you keep spoilers out of the press? There is something to be said for having things actually move. There are only 10 episodes per season, and last time we hung out with our Westeros buddies nothing of consequence happened outside of constant brutality to women. Season 5 was teeth-grindingly slow, and a lot of fans said they were done. (To be fair, fans say that a lot about this show.) If you’re going to do a television series and have the plot move as slowly as the author writing the books, you’ve got a problem. Spoilers here, so consider yourself warned: Arya’s got her sight back after a fighting montage. Daenerys arrived in the Dothraki capital, and it’s likely her dragons are heading that way. Jon Snow is leaving the Wall. The Wall, guys! Things are actually happening at the Wall. There was even a joke about slowness and boredom with Tyrion trying to play drinking games to pass the time. (I’ve done that with the show. Have you?) RELATED:Geek Girl in Hollywood: Can ‘Game of Thrones’ reclaim its former glory? It’s thrilling to get so close to the end of a series (though it’s been renewed for another season) and have it actually get better. It’s like, without the shackles of George R.R. Martin’s rather plodding plot in the final books and his snail-like pace in writing the next ones, the producers have let loose. It’s about time! I can’t wait to see where this is going, guys. And it’s getting there quickly.
Geek Girl in Hollywood: ‘Game of Thrones’ is finally getting somewhere
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