Facebook announced last week that your news feed is going to start looking different: more baby pictures and less big news.
A shift in Facebook’s news feed algorithm will favor posts from family and friends over media content, which means you’ll see less breaking news, live videos and hyperlocal content from publishers like us that you’ve grown to depend on.
The social media giant is constantly updating itsfeed formula so that it continues to inform and entertain its nearly 1.5 billion regular users.According to the company, most people surveyed said they want to see more content from friends and less from media publishers.
If you’re one of the 30,000 combined Facebook users from the Metro brands that coversPhiladelphia, New York, Boston and beyond who would like to keep us in your news feed, here’s how to do that in four simple steps:
1. Navigate to the Facebook page of a publication you’d like to see regularly in your news feed. Pictured is Metro New York, where we post breaking news in the New York City region and content you care about from around the country. The same goes for Metro Philly, Metro Boston and our national news page, Metro US.
2. Be sure you have “Liked” the page.
3. Hover your mouse overthe “Like” Button, and navigate to the “In your newsfeed” option. There are two options: “default” and “see first.” If “default” is selected, what you see from Metro’s Facebook page will rely on Facebook’s often-changing algorithm and your history of interacting with content shared from the account. To see all content Metro posts, select “see first.”
On mobile, the process is similar. Tap “following” and follow the same steps as above.
4. For further customization, click the pencil-shaped icon to the right of “notifications.” There, you can choose to favor Metro’s videos and live-streaming, photos, status updates, links and even when we host events.
Simple. From now on, you’ll see the latest updates from Metro at the top of your news feed. This works for any news outlet with a Facebook page, too.
Happy browsing!