You don’t need to move to Paris to dwell in a “city of love.” Turns out there are plenty of chances for romance right here at home. has New York City coming in second in its new list of“Top 10 Cities for Singles.”Based on rental data from and demographics from Onboard Informatics, factors like concentration of single adults, safety, nightlife activity, variety of dining and coffee shop density were evaluated on a 1,000 point scale to find the top ten cities for seeking out a significant other.
The Big Apple ranks second only to San Francisco. With a whopping 38 percent of its booming population consisting of single adults and a perfect score of 1,000 in the “nightlife options,”“restaurant options” and “frequent coffee shop goers” indices, Manhattan is overwhelmingly equipped to satiate any taste and meet any budget. If you want a city with endless opportunities to meet new people, and places to take them, New York is your bet. However, you’d better brace yourself for some steep living costs – New York’s “median rental rate” is the highest on the list, at about $3800 for a 1-bedroom.
Jersey City also squeezes onto the list, coming in at number 9. While somemight say that Jersey City’s biggest asset is its vicinity to Manhattan, making an effort to cross the Hudson has undeniable benefits of its very own. For one, it’s the only place you can take someone to see a movie at the landmark Loew’s Jersey Theatre, or take advantage of the 1,550 acres of parks the city has to offer. With a lower median rental rate and comparable safety and frequent restaurant goers indices as Manhattan, NYC singles just might want to consider taking the ferry over – you don’t have to be Snooki to have a good time in Jersey.’s full list of the best cities for singles is below.