Anyone who’s ever been in a relationship has probably said their partner was “driving them crazy” at least once, butthere might be a timewhen your love is literally driving you crazy.
Whether its for a quick trip to the store or an hours-long journey, tensions can often run high when one of you is behind the wheel, and a new survey fromNetQuote lifts the hood on what makes couples in cars tick. Of the 2,081 people in relationships — ranging in age from 18 to 73 and 52 percent female to 48 percent male — the leading pet peeve for both sexes was “not listening to my suggestions.”
For men, the Top 5 was rounded out by “brakes too hard,” “drives too fast,” “parks badly” and “tailgates.” For women, “drives too fast” came in second, followed by “tailgates,” “makes the temperature too cold” and “plays music I don’t like.” According to the respondents, 19.5 percent of females said their significant other backseat drives “very often,” while 38 percent said “sometimes.” Just 10.3 percent of male drivers replied that nagging occurs “very often,” and 37.2 reported “sometimes.” Most of these backseat drivers (55.7 percent) reside in the Midwest, with the Northeast in second at 52.7 percent.
While most participants said they didn’t fear for their lives while driving with the partner, 30.9 percent of women and 26.7 percent of men said they did.
Check out some other survey stats below, and for heaven’s sake, take turns pickingmusic. It’s the right thing to do.