A New York City school teacher with a history of violence has been arrested on assault charges.
The teacher, Osman Couey, reportedly worked as a teacher in Harlem’s P.S. 194 Countee Cullensince 1993.
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“Couey has at least four other disciplinary actions against him in the past for corporal punishment, verbal abuse, and exercising poor judgement at the same school,” CBS reported.
Now, he’s been pulled out of the classroom and arrested for assaulting a 7-year-old special needs student.
The victim, Ka’veon Wilson, was removed from his classroom on Dec. 23 and started banging on the door to try to get back in, according to theNew York Daily News. Couey then threw the student across a hallway.
The incident reportedly happened in December, but the family wasn’t notified of the violent incident until the end of January.
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Now, in addition to his arrest, officials are reportedly exploring their options for terminating his employment with the school system.
Among Couey’s past disciplinary actions is an incident where he also abused a special needs student, the Daily News reported.
“In 2013, he was accused of tossing a 7-year-old special needs student down a flight of stairs, the Daily News explained. “An Office of Special Investigations probe found he exercised poor judgment, but did not substantiate the allegation.”
Matt Lee is a web producer for Metro New York. He writes about almost everything and anything. Talk to him (or yell at him) on Twitter so he doesn’t feel lonely@mattlee2669.