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You can download an app directly to your iPhone from the iTunes App Store:
- Open App Store in your phone, visible on the phone’s home screen
- Tap on the icon and ‘Search’ forMetro US in the search field, or click
- Tap on ‘Install App’ and enter your Apple ID Password.
- You will exit the page and then be taken to the app.The app will show ‘Loads’ first and then ‘Installs’.
- When ‘Download’ is completed, enjoy the app.
You can download Android apps and digital content to your device using theGoogle Play Store app or your computer.
Using the Google Play Store app:
- Open theGoogle Play Store app.
- Tap on the icon and ‘Search’ forMetroUSin the search field, or click
- TouchInstall.
- TouchAcceptafter reviewing the app’s permissions.
Using your computer:
- Go to Google Play on your computer.
- Tap on the icon and ‘Search’ forMetroUSin the search field
- ClickInstall.
- Review the app’s permissions, choose your device from the drop-down menu, and clickInstall.