You have heard it time and time again: Be aware of what you’re posting on Facebook, because once it’s on the Internet, there is no taking it back. How do you make sure that your Facebook profile is job hunt ready? Here are some tips: Delete. Start with the obvious: Delete everything from your Facebook profile that you wouldn’t want an employer to see. Also remember to go through all of your albums, notes and pages that you have liked and make sure to remove anything that you wouldn’t want people outside of your friend circle to know about you. Un-friend. Review the list of friends and connections you have collected over the years on Facebook.Un-friend anyone who may make you look bad. Remember that just because your profile may be closed and private, that doesn’t mean theirs is. Update your privacysettings. Make sure that non-friends only have access to information you want to share. Double-check your privacy settings each time you post, as some posts can default to appearing to all users, not just your network. Think first, post later.Although it’s impossible to go back and tell yourself not to post something, you can exercise some caution moving forward. Think about your goals as a job-seeker or professional before you post anything. This includes photos, wall posts on friends’ walls, status updates, etc. Talent Egg is a job board and online career resource for students and recent graduates.