It’s not too late for holiday tipping – Metro US

It’s not too late for holiday tipping

It’s not too late for holiday tipping

If you can afford it, most service providers you’re seeing over the holidays should get a tip — whether it’s a hair stylist getting you glam for your New Year’s Eve party, or a housekeeper cleaning up after that New Year’s Eve party.

Etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore, founder of The Protocol School of Palm Beach, breaks down how much to give everyone on your list:

Manicurist: $25 to $50 or a gift

Hair stylist: $50 to $100 or a gift

Barber: up to the cost of one haircut or a gift

Personal trainer: up to the cost of one session or a gift

Housekeeper: up to the cost of one visit

Au pair or live-in nanny: one or two week’s pay and a gift from your children

Teacher: A gift card or gift certificate for up to $25, or pitch in with some of the other parents and buy a more expensive gift certificate

Day care provider: $20 to $70 each, plus a small gift from your child

Babysitter: an evening’s pay, plus a gift from your child

Massage therapist: up to the cost of one session or a gift

Building manager/superintendent: $20 to $80 or a gift, depending on how helpful your super has been to you

Doorman: $15 to $100

Mail carrier: small gift or gift card up to $20

Newspaper carrier: $10 to $30

Sanitation worker: $10 to $30 each for private service but check your local municipality for regulations, as some areas may not allow tipping

Yard or garden worker: $20 to $50 or a gift card

Handyman: $15 to $50 or a gift card

Dog walker: up to one week’s pay or a gift

Pet groomer: up to the cost of one session or a gift