Jets to test directed parking in MetLife Lot L, L7 tailgate area for Patriots game – Metro US

Jets to test directed parking in MetLife Lot L, L7 tailgate area for Patriots game

Jets to test directed parking in MetLife Lot L, L7 tailgate area for Patriots
Getty Images

The famed L7 tailgate isn’t going anywhere, Jets fans. It will just be the early bird who catches thebest parking spots, at least for this Sunday’s game.

The first ever sporting event tailgate created entirely via social media, the L7 parking lot, has become the largest and most recognizable tailgateatJets games in recent years. But this Sunday, the Jets aretesting directed parking in LotL, taking awaysome ofthe free reign fans had to congregate under the L7 sign in the parking lot.

With Sunday being the final home game of 2014, as well as being against the Patriots – the team’s biggest rival – it should be a large turnout for fans at L7, but there is a concern that the largest and most passionate tailgate in the lot will get shutout.

“We have received from loyal fans numerous requests for additional supervision and staffing to expedite the process of entering the stadium and promptly finding parking spots once the lots start to fill up, so we’re going to do a limited test of directed parking in Lot L to see if it makes for a better fan experience,” Jets president Neil Glat told Metro. “As always, if fans get there early, they will have the option to park wherever they want.”

Glat has been instrumental in helping to improve the gameday experience at MetLife Stadium. He instituted the ‘Fan Rewards’ system this past season and last year he promotedthepopularplayer walk into the stadium,an idea originated by head coach Rex Ryanwhere the team disembarks from team buses and walks through a parking lot corridor into the stadium, greeting fans along the way.

Glat has also pushed for more alumni involvement with the team and fans as well.

The L7 tailgate, which all spawned via Twitter at the suggestion of Joseph Grinwis (aptly named @L7Panda) continues to go viral and attract more supporters each year. This tailgate continues to grow in importance each season via the efforts of websites and Twitter accounts such as @JetsTwit, run by Jets fan and social media consultant Erik Manassy.

In the past, owner Woody Johnson has regularly visited L7 to greet fans, underscoring its importance to the gameday experience.