Two can play at the spoilers game.
Credit: Bad Robot/Twitter
As the director of choice for Hollywood’s most prestigious projects, JJ Abrams tries to run a tight ship.
So when nearly 40 photos from the set of “Star Wars Episode VII” wereleaked on TMZ, Abrams decided to sew some speculation himself.
— Bad Robot (@bad_robot) June 4, 2014
But in that tweet is a possible confirmation that Han Solo’s spaceship will in fact make an appearance: The card is sitting on what appears to be the space chess board on which the android C-3PO and co-pilot Chewbacca squared off in the Millennium Falcon’s rec room.
Seriously guys, as cool as glimpses are of the first new “Star Wars” films that have the potential to be good since the original trilogy, don’t make Abrams stop the car and make us walk the 12 parsecs home.