Keke Palmerappearsin Trey Songz’snewmusic video“Pick up the phone”, released on Friday,but the “Scream Queens” actress says that he filmed her without her consent.
In a lengthyInstagram message, Palmer writes, “How am I in this video Trey? After you found me in a closet HIDING because I was so afraid of anymore conflict….Just cause you give someone food and alcohol and throw in a little sexual intimidation doesn’t mean they will buckle.”
Songz’ responsedismissesPalmer’s frighteningallegations with a vague, “So sorry for those that believe everything without knowing anything. …I cannot devote my life to responding to, or clearing up every side of every story you hear about me.” And just to be a jackass, we guess, he adds in ahashtag #iwrotethisontheyacht.
This comes hours after Songz’tweet, “Much love to all my women marching all around the world today!!! Let your voices be heard My Queens.”
He may be a professional singer, but he is definitelytone-deaf.