Kyle MacLachlan is hosting a ‘Twin Peaks’ costume contest on his Instagram – Metro US

Kyle MacLachlan is hosting a ‘Twin Peaks’ costume contest on his Instagram

Kyle MacLachlan is hosting a ‘Twin Peaks’ costume contest on his Instagram

Kyle MacLachlan, the last good man left on Earth, is here to save your Halloween. The superbly-coiffed actor/winemaker/bon vivant is hosting a “Twin Peaks”-themed costume contest over on his Instagram, because the dude intuitively knows we need this right now.


Dress up as Coop (or your favorite #TwinPeaks character) to be entered to win a prize package of official Twin Peaks merch! To be considered, you must: 1. Post a photo of your Coop/Twin Peaks costume 2. Hashtag #CoopLovesCostumes Contest open to US only. I’ll be announcing the winner Nov. 2nd. But you can start posting your costumes now. Have fun!

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All you have to do is post a picture of yourself dressed up like a “Twin Peaks” character, and tag it #CoopLovesCostumes. Winner gets a “prize package of official ‘Twin Peaks’ merch,” but I mean, it’s not really about the prizes, right? It’s about the pure inspiration. And if you still don’t know what to be for Halloween, now you’ve at least got your theme. You just have to decide whether to go as tulpa-fied Diane, or the Arm/Sentient Tree, or faceless Sarah Palmer, or Dougie/Good Coop/Bad Coop/Lost Coop?…really, the options are endless. Even if you don’t participate, it should be a hoot to plug in the hashtag and scroll through Instagram to see what folks have cooked up. And if you’re in New York, you can try out your look IRL, at a party called Halloween is David Lynch Night, Friday night at Bluebird in Prospect Lefferts-Gardens. 

Good Coop made sure to note that the contest is open to your pets, too: 


Yes, your furry friends can enter my Halloween costume contest too. Check out the rules in my previous post. #CoopLovesCostumes

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What a guy.