Las Vegas shooting Stephen Paddock Marilou Danley latest – Metro US

Las Vegas shooting Stephen Paddock Marilou Danley latest

Las Vegas, shooting, Stephen Paddock, Marilou Danley

It’s been over two months since the tragic Las Vegas shooting conducted by Stephen Paddock, who killed a reported 58 people and injured 546.

In this age of a non-stop news cycle, the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States is already ancient news. One interesting tidbit dropped Tuesday that has Las Vegas shooting conspiracy theorists going nuts right now is the stories about the hospitals that tended to the victims in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. One of the most popular conspiracy theories surrounding the Las Vegas shooting centers around how no one supposedly died from injury while at the hospital. The death tally and injury tally were already locked in hours after the shooting and did not rise.

This USA Today story speaks at length about how one of Vegas’ smaller hospitals ended up with hundreds more patients than the one best equipped to deal with such a horrible incident.

“At Sunrise [hospital], the flow of patients seemed never to stop,” the story reads. “Staff, space and resources ran thin. The hospital used up its entire supply of universally compatible O-negative blood, and at least one ER doctor said he worked until his brain couldn’t process charts anymore. Every gurney and wheelchair in the hospital held a patient. Some patients waited on the floor. Others with minor injuries walked out, not wanting to take up time or resources that could be used on more critical patients.

“A few miles away, UMC’s trauma director wondered where the rest of the patients were. Around 1:45 a.m. MT, Fildes counted nine empty trauma bays. Three operating rooms sat open.

“Even two months after the shooting, nobody has determined exactly why patients stopped arriving at UMC. But in the immediate aftermath, rumors spread by word of mouth and on social media that UMC had closed its doors.

“Multiple emergency workers and hospital staffers told The Arizona Republic they heart, at some point during the evening, that UMC had stopped taking patients.

“Representatives of two ambulance companies heard it. Two Sunrise staffers said they heard it. Two medics working at the concert venue received texts about it. None of those people could identify the source of the rumor.”


Nary a peep

Do a Google News search of “Marilou Danley” (the girlfriend of Stephen Paddock, who Las Vegas Sherriff Joseph Lombardo believes is withholding information) and you won’t see any stories updated since early November. Click on “View all” and you get a message from Google: “Sorry, this is no additional coverage at this time. Please try again later.”

As for information regarding Paddock, it’s similarly scarce.

Oddly enough, last week a sharpshooter fired gun shots toward the street from the eighth floor of a Reno, Nevada condominium. The man was killed by the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team. What makes the story highly strange, aside from the fact that it mirrored the Las Vegas shooting and went mostly overlooked by national media outlets, is that a unit in the condo the man was shooting from was owned by Paddock recently. According to the NY Daily News, Paddock sold the unit at the Montage in Reno just a year ago.

The Las Vegas shooting story only continues to get stranger, and it’s becoming ever more apparent that we will never get the full details on Paddock’s motive and what – if any – information Danley has.