Getting mail as an adult isn’t usually fun. Unless you have a magazine subscription or ended up on the mailing list for some cool cataloges, pretty much all that ends up in your mailbox are bills. But you guys, life wasn’t always this way. On someone’s birthday, people used to send actual cards instead of just saying “happy birthday” on Facebook. Long distance BFFs used to write actual letters to each other. It was glorious.
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We’re not hating on technology. Skype rocks and so does social media. But wouldn’t it be nice to get an awesome card in the mail every now and then? Punkpost is making it happen with their collection of cards that are way cooler than your typical drugstore variety, and because this is 2015, everything is done through an app, so someone else will take care of the postage and mail it for you.
Users find the perfect card by browsing on the app and once selected, type their note inside. Someone at Punkpost will actually scribe it out, address it, add a stamp and mail it. Bonus: some of the cards come with confetti inside. Oh, and if you no longer know how to send messages without emojis, don’t worry — the lovely people at Punkpost will actually draw out the emoji icons you want in your card. See why we’re obsessed?
Follow Emily on Twitter: @EmLaurence