What is closed on Martin Luther King Day?: Banks, schools, post office and more – Metro US

What is closed on Martin Luther King Day?: Banks, schools, post office and more

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Figuring out which federal holidays you get off of work and which you don’t is confusing enough to make you need that extra day of rest. While we’ll leave that one to you and your employer, when it comes to the question what is closed on Martin Luther King Day, we’ve got you covered. Let us break it down to save you the headache and extra work — even if you’re stuck making the commute into the office that day.

Are banks closed on Martin Luther King Day?

Sorry, yes, banks and other financial institutions like stock markets are closed for all federal holidays, including MLK Day. If you need to see a teller, do so on the limited weekend hours your bank offers or you’ll be forced to hold out until Tuesday.

Any transactions you make, including deposits, will be posted the next day so be aware of that if you’re going to check your statement and match up the dates.

Is the post office closed on Martin Luther King Day?

We’ve got answers for you on this question and a related one. Is the post office closed on Martin Luther King Day? Yes, indeed it is. That means if you need to have something like paperwork or a bill postmarked by January 16, you’ll need to get that done on Saturday or before.

But is there mail delivery on Martin Luther King Day? Again, no. All employees of the USPS, since it’s a government office, have the day off to rest. Mail delivery and the brick and mortar locations of USPS will resume regular hours on Tuesday.

What is Closed on Martin Luther King Day parade

Are stores open on Martin Luther King Day?

You absolutely have a green light to shop on Martin Luther King Day. Box box stores, chain grocery stores, malls and chain drug stores should all be open and running normal weekday hours. Movie theaters, restaurants and liquor stores should also be up and running all day long, so there’s no need to cancel pre-existing plans or reschedule. Smaller, family-run business might take the day off, though, so if you plan on heading out to one, make sure you call and check their hours before leaving home.

Is the DMV closed on Martin Luther King Day?

If you’re especially eager to get behind the wheel solo, or have a child who is, you’re probably wondering is the DMV open on Martin Luther King Day. Since the DMV is a state government office and Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday, the DMV will be closed for observation of the holiday this coming Monday.

That means if you have time-sensitive paperwork, you need to get it into the office this week. If you’re planning on waiting in line to get your license, sorry, but you’ll have to wait just one more day to get that shiny new piece of plastic.

Are schools closed on Martin Luther King Day?

Make some plans for the kids because all public schools will closed this coming Monday for Martin Luther King Day. (Hint: Perhaps this is a good reason for you to file for a PTO day if your employer doesn’t give you the day off. But you didn’t hear that from us.)

Is there garbage pickup on Martin Luther King Day?

Martin Luther King Day falls on a Monday this year, which might be the day you set out all of your garbage in an attempt to start the week on a clean slate — or, at the very least, a less cluttered one. That habit will just have to be delayed for a week because there won’t be any garbage pickup on the holiday. Plan to get your trash out early or hold onto it a little longer. The silver lining? No getting up early to make sure your garbage cans are on the curb bright and early.