Introducing your kids to the magic of Central Park is part of the fun of being a New York City parent. From the trumpet players under the bridge, to the remote control sailboats and of course the zoo, there is so much to explore.
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Now, you can incorporate some of those special moments into storytime with a new book written and illustrated by Marcus Meesters. “The Central Park Tales,” is about a group of friendly animals that live in the park and the curious adventures they stumble into.
“The Central Park Tales” is part of a trilogy, each book set in a different world-famous park. The first book, “The Vondelpark Tales” is set in Amsterdam, this New York City-edition is the second, and the third — coming out in 2016 — will be set in Hyde Park.
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“My hope is that the trilogy, which is connected by a narrator named Uncle Mouse in all three books, contributes to the rich urban cultures of New York, London, and Amsterdam, creating a new intercultural connection between three beautiful cities,” Meester says.
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