FCC commissioner heavily edits Pai’s net neutrality plan to completely reverse it – Metro US

FCC commissioner heavily edits Pai’s net neutrality plan to completely reverse it

Net neutrality plan rewrite

The vote on net neutrality is scheduled for Thursday, and amid protests from the public and major corporations alike, FCC commissioners themselves have voiced their opposition. Democrat Jessica Rosenworcel is expected to vote against chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to repeal the rules protecting net neutrality. The other Democratic FCC commissioner, Mignon Clyburn, is also speaking out against Pai.

Clyburn posted an “alternative” plan to Twitter with edits that change Pai’s repeal into an endorsement, Common Dreams reports. With these heavy edits (most of the text taken out, this is), the new “Policy Statement” would read: “After further review of the record we affirm the 2015 Open Internet Order.” The title of her improved plan is “Retaining Internet Freedom,” as opposed to “Restoring Internet Freedom,” a claim she believes is false — without these laws protecting net neutrality, she believes freedom of the web would be revoked.

Clyburn tweet states: “In just 2 days, the FCC majority will vote to repeal the nation’s #NetNeutrality rules. Today I will offer my colleagues an alternative proposal to #SaveNetNeutrality. Your Thoughts?”

Many people responded positively, thanking her for her fight against Pai’s plans.

Back in November when Pai released his proposal to repeal net neutrality laws, Clyburn announced that “it’s worse than one could imagine,” offering up a fact sheet to educate the public on what it would mean for them if something like this were to happen.

Clyburn encourages people who haven’t already joined her to speak up.

“The unfortunate problem is that the majority of the FCC is not listening right now,” Clyburn said in an interview with NOW THIS. “They’re not listening to those millions of voices who say we want the net neutrality rules to stay in place. But that should not stop you from weighing in.”

“I don’t know what the future is going to bring in terms of that vote on December 14,” Clyburn admitted, “but I know silence is not golden.”