The most popular accessory to his the red carpet at the Oscars this year won’t be diamonds or a Michael Kors clutch. Pinned over their designer ensembles, celebrities sported blue ribbons to stand in solidarity with the American Civil Liberties Union. One of the first stars to arrive to the red carpet was Ruth Negga, who is up for best actress for her film “Loving.” She kicked off the trend for the night, wearing a baby blue ACLU ribbon atop her custom red Valentino dress. Stylist Karla Welch posted a close-up shot of Negga’s ribbon Sunday, writing, “The accessory I’m most proud of #ACLU #MegaNegga.”
The ribbons are part of a the ACLU’s “Stand with ACLU” campaign, designed to bring awareness to the organization and its missions.
“I’m wearing an ACLU ribbon because they’re fighting incredible fights right now for American ideals.” –@lin_manuel #Oscars #Oscars2017
— ACLU National (@ACLU) February 26, 2017
The ACLU has reached out to all major nominees to participate in the initiative and wear the ribbons to show solidarity with the nonprofit organization, which has catapulted into the national spotlight since President Donald Trump’s election for its work in fighting, among other things, the president’s controversial immigration ban. TheSupport for the organization is trendy this awards season.During her acceptance speech at the Screen Actors Guild Awards last monthSarah Paulsonurged the public todonate to the ACLU, helping themearn $24 million in one weekend.