Earthlings celebrating Christmas have another event to toast this holiday: the first full moon on Christmas Dayin 38 years.
CNN meteorologist Chad Myers explained, “The moon cycles every 29.5 days, meaning every 29.5 days, there will be a full moon” and that “on average, every 29.5 years, a full moon will land on December 25.” Touching on theclassic Christmas song, Myersadded, “It just makes Santa’s job easier, and Rudolf can stay home.”
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“This rare event won’t happen again until 2034,” NASA reported. “That’s a long time to wait, so make sure to look up to the skies on Christmas Day.”
The last time this event occurred, “Star Wars” just premiered, explained NBC News.
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“The moon is more than just a celestial neighbor,” said NASA scientist John Keller. “The geologic history of the moon and Earth are intimately tied together such that the Earth would be a dramatically different planet without the moon.”
Business Insider provided this handy explanation, too, on when to see the moon as its fullest.
For those living in America’s Eastern time zone, that’s 6:11 a.m. on Christmas Day.