Sly Stallone predicts Patriots go down like Ivan Drago in Super Bowl – Metro US

Sly Stallone predicts Patriots go down like Ivan Drago in Super Bowl

Sly Stallone

Sly Stallone isn’t hiding his love for the Eagles ahead of their upcoming Super Bowl battle against the Patriots.

The “Rocky” star has been talking quite a bit of smack over on his Instagram page, even going so far as to compare New England to the Russian  villian Ivan Drago in his latest post. Stallone wrote that Philadelphia will become “top dog” in the prediction, which was accompanied by a photo of an Eagles jersey-wearing Rocky squaring off against Drago in a Patriots uniform.

The actor hopes the game plays out like “Rocky IV,” with New England suffering a brutal upset at the hands of  the “underdog.”

“We know how this one turned out,” Stallone wrote. “We know who’s going to win the Super Bowl.”


We Know how this one turned out ….. We know who’s going to win the Super bowl …. UNDERDOG TO TOPDOG! #flyeaglesfly #philly #rockybalboa #strength #agentnickyc #superbowl

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Stallone wrote in another Instagram post that, although he respects Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, he believes it’s destiny that the Eagles will win it all.


Fly Eagles fly!… Like I said before I have tremendous respect for Tom Brady and the patriots but they are up against Destiny! …The EAGLES ARE COMING !!!! Philly is the UNDERDOG that’s is Ripping into the BIG DOG and coming out the TOP DOG!!! … All you need to do is Believe … #johnrivoli. John@Rivoli design. Com

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As a fictional Philly fighter, Rocky Balboa has become a beloved cinematic icon in the City of Brotherly Love over the years. It turns out the man behind the character also has a lot of love for Philadelphia, as Stallone revealed in a recent video that he was “bitten by the Eagles bug since he was around 15 years old.”

“Go Eagles! Man, if you haven’t guessed it by now, I am a diehard fan,” Stallone says in the clip while wearing an Eagles jersey.

Stallone better hopes that the Eagles win, or else his “Rocky” statue will be adorned in a Patriots jersey thanks to a Super Bowl bet between Philadelphia and Brockton mayors.