Personally, I’m hoping the games will distract me from all the rough and tumble here in D.C.for a while, but I’m not counting on it. Here are three things to watch in politics this week.
1)HAMMER THROW– A little coaching advice for Hillary Clinton: grab your email controversy, spin around and throw it as far away as possible. And NEVER mention it again. The Democratic nominee seems hell bent on proving she did nothing wrong with her email practices, despite an FBI investigation which found precisely the opposite. Clinton’s repeated false statements about the matter are only reinforcing her worst problem: most voters don’t trust her. Let’s see if she figures that out and does what she should have done from the start – take the blame, fully accept the findings, and quit talking about it. 2)WEIGHT LIFTING– Last week was horrible for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump. Clinton came out of her convention with a big bounce in the polls, and a series of missteps sent his support plummeting. Now he has to haul those numbers back into close contention. And as much as it may pain Trump, that means he’ll have to get cozier with mainstream GOPers and quit raising claims he can’t back off when challenged. In other words, he has to show more discipline while not losing the anti-establishment, “I say what I think” vibe that has made him into a political phenomenon. 3)TEAM SLOVENIA– Is Melania Trump’s immigration record a problem for her husband? That’s not clear yet. But Democrats are crowing over discrepancies in her “coming to America” story which suggest a possible violation of immigration laws. Watch for Dems to pound the issue, if only to distract Trump. Meanwhile, it all revolves (no kidding) around some nude photos on the Internet of the wannabe First Lady which … um … wait, what was I saying? (CNN’s Tom Foreman is the author of My Year of Running Dangerously. He has never posed nude for anything. So, you’re welcome.)