Because I’m a multi-millionaire, people left and right are asking me what I’ll be buying my loved ones this holiday season. My answers surprise them, but they really shouldn’t. After all, the best holiday presents are not the most expensive or the coolest or the newest or the latest and greatest hyped up by TV and advertisements everywhere. See the best holiday presents below, they’re far cheaper and easier to get than you ever imagined.
Timothy Sykes: 3 Best and cheapest holiday gifts

Pure Stock
Best Gift #1: Your Love
Giving gifts is just an excuse to show that you care about someone. Our society idolizes material possessions, but deep down all anyone really wants and needs to be happy is to be loved. I’m guilty of flashing around my Lamborghini and luxury trips on Instagram, but while those luxuries are fun and worth working hard for, love is far easier to acquire and give. I’m not a hippie and I think the Occupy Wall Street movement is one of the dumbest things to have ever been created, but it’s good to remind ourselves of the single most valuable possession and gift in this world, love. It’s free, but it’s priceless.
Best Gift #2: Your Time
As my business of teaching people how to profit in the stock market has exploded, my time for friends and family has dwindled. So instead of gifting luxury goods out of guilt like I normally do, I’m doing something different this year and giving more of my time to those I care about the most. I’ve learned many expensive lessons in the past that stuff just doesn’t stack up against real conversations and experiences with those you love.
Best Gift #3: Charity
It’s of course great to spend time with loved ones during the holidays, but remember to think of those who are alone and have nobody. I’m extremely blessed to be surrounded by friends, family and thousands of students, but I also hear sad stories every day from people, especially children, who haven’t been as fortunate in life and it’s a great holiday gift to give to these people. Again, holiday gift giving is not just about possessions and money, give small gifts to those less fortunate and it’ll be the most rewarding experiences of your life. This week I’ll be sponsoring a Make-A-Wish Foundation wish to help an ill child attend Miami Heat basketball games like he’s always wanted and I’ll be delivering toys to nearly 100 children at the Boys & Girls Club of Miami. I encourage you to do the same in your neighborhood!
Things I Liked:
1.The U.S. stock market finally had a down week…good, we need some consolidation after this long bull market.
2.My struggling New York Knicks and New York Giants finally both won a game after long skids, whew!
3.Allegations of torture will haunt the US, it’s time we stop this cruelty once and for all.
Props to Business Insider for interviewing me to talk about wealth and using the headline “Multimillionaire Trader Tim Sykes Says His Happiness Isn’t About The Money’
Companies will do seemingly anything to market and hype their new products exemplifying the lack of corporate ethics.
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