Among the multitude of talented people laid off by ESPN in recent weeks was on-camera personality Britt McHenry.
The blond and boisterous sports anchor appeared regularly on “SportsCenter,” “NFL Live” and various other programs, with her last assignment being the NFL Draft back in April. In a since deleted tweet, McHenry claimed, “I mean I’ve been openly Conservative…look how that ended up,” when prompted to respond to the thoughts of many that ESPN is a liberal network.
McHenry is, in fact, a Republican — just like millions of other Americans. Unlike them, though, she did once tweet a photo of her with GOP Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (which was later deleted as well).
However it would be hard to prove that the more than 100 employees let go in the latest round of downsizing were all fired for being Republican. And it would be reasonable to expect that people of all political affiliations were let go, all for reasons having nothing to do with politics.
The list of household names (to sports fans at least) cut loose by the “Worldwide Leader” is too numerous to include in a short post, but they include Ed Werder, Scott Burnside, Pierre LeBrun, Dana O’Neil, Jim Bowden, Danny Kanell and Jayson Stark.
McHenry has had a spotty history since graduating from Northwestern with a degree in journalism.
Two years ago she was suspended from the network after she was caught having a verbal altercation with a parking lot employee.
“I’m on television, and you’re in a f—ing trailer, honey,” she said, referring to the employee as a “college dropout.”
McHenry later apologized for her behavior, citing abuse she received in her life prior as an excuse for her outburst.