What are flying things that kill people in Bird Box and why can some zombies see? – Metro US

What are flying things that kill people in Bird Box and why can some zombies see?

What are flying things that kill people in Bird Box why can some zombies people see

Netflix has everyone talking during this lazy week as most everyone has seen the Sandra Bullock film Bird Box on their holiday vacations. There are many lingering questions regarding the flick, including, what are the flying moths or leaves or butterflies that kill everyone? Also, why can some people actually see the flying creatures and survive?

Regarding the first question, we can never clearly see what kills the masses of people. It looks like a swarm of moths or cloud of leaves. 

Gary also draws pictures of the flying creatures which he leaves on a coffee table. There are several different versions of the creatures. Some look like rabid ghouls, others look like hooded demons or birds. Here is the Gary scene to get a better look at the pictures.



These creatures fly over the world and cause everyone who looks at them to commit suicide. Some of those affected hallucinate and imagine they’re talking to a deceased family member. The dead family member then guides them into on-coming traffic or a flaming car or the nearest place where death could occur.

This happens to the wife of Douglas, played by John Malkovich. Lydia calls out to her deceased mother and says, “Please, don’t go.” She then walks into a burning car, which quickly explodes.

As for why some people like Gary and the guy floating down the river that tries to kill Malorie are exempt from suicidal thoughts, it is also mostly a mystery. 

There are theories that the creatures possess human bodies or shape shift. There is also a theory that some people affected get homicidal thoughts instead of suicidal thoughts. They carry out their homicides by exposing the creatures to unaffected people.