What color are these flip-flops? – Metro US

What color are these flip-flops?

What color are these flip-flops?
Twitter and Wikimedia

Before we had to decide whether to boycott “Hamilton” over the cast’s move to lecture Vice President-elect Mike Pence during a recent performance, and way before we were forced to choose between Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris, there was an Internet phenomenon that divided us all.

And it’s happening again.

Back in February 2015, a dress that was either white and gold or blue and black exploded the Internet.

The debate is back, and this time, it’s over a pair of flip-flops.

The photo appears to be the same mind-blowing optical illusion involving the same color patterns that spawned two very different (and equally strong) opinions about The Dress.

In that version, researchers weren’t sure exactly what was going on. But a scientist at the University of Liverpool’s Department of Eye and Vision Science chalked up “Dressgate” to differences in how the human eye perceives color and light.

As to the flip-flops, what do you think: white and gold, or blue and black?