Admit it: It’s hard not to have your eyes glaze over after spending more than an hour perusing online dating profiles. After a while, it really does seem like everyone loves nothing more than watching “The Wire” and getting drinks on Friday nights with their friends. But it turns out that tastes do tend to align with where online dating users live. The tech site Mashable took a deeper look into how profiles vary across the country. Using data provided to them from, the site’s researchers were able to pin down the most popular descriptive words in profiles from each state — providing a neat window into the things people think will impress potential love interests in the process. Residents of the Bay State appropriately love the “ocean,” as do their neighbors in Rhode Island. New Yorkers – it turns out – love museums (or love to say they love them.) Meanwhile, our friends across the river in New Jersey love to “lounge” in lounges. So what are Pennsylvanians in pursuit of? “Amusement,” it turns out. Daters may find a great match in nearby Delaware, as singles there also like to be amused.
Here are some other great word-state combinations that caught our eye.
Indiana – NASCAR
Oregon – Kayak
Washington (state) – Hikes
Wyoming – Hunting
Check out the entire map over at Mashable.
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