COST: Not only will you save money by completing your first two years at Kingsborough, you’ll find that senior colleges look favorably on people who’ve earned their associate’s degree. You may also be eligible for scholarships only available to community college students. Full-time degree students who meet CUNY’s residency requirements for in-state tuition may be eligible to attend a 6-week module at no charge.
Why choose Kingsborough Community College?

CHOICE: Choose from over 60 degree and certificate programs. You can take classes during the day, evening, and/or weekends.
AWARD-WINNING LEARNING COMMUNITIES: Joining 25 other freshman in three linked courses for your first semester will help you succeed in college.
STUDENT SERVICES: Whether it’s academic advisement, free tutoring, low-cost professional childcare, assistance with accessibility issues, or career training — you’ll find people and services to help you succeed.
STUDENT CLUBS & SPORTS: With 80 clubs, you’ll never be at a loss for something to do or people to meet. A member of the NJCAA and the CUNY Conference, KCC’s Athletic Department offers a variety of intercollegiate teams including men’s and women’s basketball, track, tennis, baseball, and soccer teams and women’s volleyball. There is also a comprehensive intramural program, an exercise room, and pool, covering many sports for men and women throughout the school year.
HONORS PROGRAM: The KCC Honors Program offers enriched academic experiences and co-curricular opportunities for highly motivated and academically-capable students who want to enhance their Kingsborough education. Benefits include small honors-only classes; opportunities to study off campus; and membership in one of the largest chapters of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society.
BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS: Throughout the campus you can find quiet places to study or gaze at the waterfront that hugs the campus on three sides. (Did we mention there’s also a private beach?)
When you’re ready to change your life.
When you’re ready to change the world.
For more information about enrolling at Kingsborough call 718-COLLEGE or visit